This years summer camp will be held virtually due to Covid 19. Similar to our spring classes that were held on zoom we have extended our virtual learning for an additional 8 more weeks.

Virtual Summer Soccer Camps 2020

Join us this summer for our first ever virtual soccer camps

NYC Girls Soccer Club is excited to continue our virtual learning of soccer over the summer. Upon hosting our very first soccer class online, we were not sure what to expect from our players and their reaction on the session being done virtually. As coaches we’ve come to realize that learning virtually helps build our players in many different aspects of the game. Though we as coaches are not present to see every touch physically, or correct every form of technique, this mental aspect of the game is left to the players to fulfill. Which in the end benefits our players much more. Just as we all run to youtube to learn many (DIY) videos or instant hacks, learning soccer is the new temporary norm for all soccer players.


Camp Fees

At this moment, we have made our camps open to the public, with a donation option in place of regular camp fees. Camps are


Camp Shirt - Optional

Players are able to customize their very own Soccer T shirt this year. Shirts will be delivered to all players.

June 15th - August 14th

Summer Camp Schedule


8:45-9:00 AM

Check in begins. Players sign on 10-15 minutes before start.


Lunch 12:00 PM

Every child is required to eat lunch together with other campers at this time.

9:20 AM

Early Morning warm ups. Agility, Speed & strength activities.


12:15 PM

Q&A session with coaches.

10:00 AM

First portion of individual ball drills. Player SAQ’s and Player Yoga.


11:00 AM

Skill of the day. Players will learn skill of the day focus.


Summer Camp Application

Please allow 48 hours for form to be processed.




Is NYC Girls Soccer Virtual camp live video stream or is it pre-recorded?

Both, as well as a personal interactive experience with coaches, and camp counselors.

Does parents have contact to coaches ?

Yes all parents will have an email assigned for Child’s coach in case of any questions.

How long is a NYC Girls Soccer camp session? How many camp sessions are in a camp week?

Monday through Friday-Live content, Interactive coach to player interaction, and peer to peer exchanges begin at 9am and ends at 12pm.

What if my child can’t log in to camp session ?

We advise families to US any tablet or desktop device. Ensure wifi speeds are running well to ensure no interruptions.

How will families access the username and log in information to access the remote video platform?

Daily email updates. Every week a camp packet will be sent out to families